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On this page you can visit:

Rynninge, Wadköping, City Park and fishing in Svartån.


Out at Rynninge, there is a Nature Park, where you can study birds, bath, went skating, depending of  season.
The Spot in the tower is Jocke.


Here is also grills, a swing in winter and more. A very popular place for excursions.



In all seasons Wadköping is a favourite. In winter they have a Christmas market. In spring they have a Easter market. There is also a antique- middleage -and a art market.

Wadköpings homepage


A real big favourite is the wooden lath men's house. Warmly Recommended. Go in and be astonished, how are they doing? They have put arrows with both ends bigger than the small holes they are going trough. (We know how)


The house in the middle is Cajsa Warg's.
She was a very famous for her cookbook.
"You take what you have" is a famous expression from her. But did she say it or didn't she?

The favourite with big F is Wadköping.
Wadköping is a reconstruction of city environment in Örebro, a elderly wooden town from 16'th century and early 17'th century. You also find  handicraft, stores, markets, coffeehouse, theatre- and exhibitions and museums.


Narrow alley with cobblestone.


After a while in this beautiful environment you have to have some coffee, and here it is, this house is the  café.


Main street with Skepparegården (Ships house) nearest, with a  antiquarian, really worth visiting.


Kronblom's kitchen with Kronblom in his favourite position, horizontal. His wife, Malin preparing the dinner while his mother-in-law reading the paper after a work for him.


Some senior citizens lives beautiful, just look at this house, nearby Wadköping and Svartån (Black River).



On your way to Wadköping, you will pass the City Park. It's one of the most most beautiful and nicely disposed parks in Sweden in my opinion.


One day they arrange a Rose day or Garden day. It's a day with both gardening and performance at the centre stage, with many good artists.


In august, if your lucky, you can win your own place along the Svartån (Black river). In 2003, Siw won a place and what a place! It must been one of the best places after the river. You can see for yourself, the black things in the bottom of the cage are Crayfish's.

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