Page 2

On this page you can see:

The main street, Culture school, Stortorget, City Hall bells, Market-place, Kronblom, Gustavsvik and Behrns arena (Eyravallen).

Now we are above Stortorget on Drottninggatan and looks down at the north side of the city, against the castle and everything as you can see on page 1. Drottninggatan changes name to Storgatan at the end of the picture, why we don't know.


Same place as above but of course at the other direction. This fine house is the Lindhska  bookshop. If we could see more to the south we could see the unbelievable ugly skyscraper,  Krämaren (A old name for a salesman). To left is Stortorget, to right is S:t Nikolai church,  Örebro Culture school and the School of Music


This picture I choose because of the Christmas feeling despite the lack of snow.

Read more about
The Church of S:t Nikolai


This is the Örebro Culture school. A very beautiful building isn't it? Here Siwan used to  work, when she was'nt at RSÖ, the library or somewhere else. She is still working for the school but are situated above the library.

Örebro Culture School

Örebro Consert house


This is Stortorget, we are standing looking up against Drottninggatan and Storkyrkan. At the top of the market-place the statue of Engelbrekt is placed. (sid 1)


In January 2000 a new bell with figures from Örebro's history was dedicated.
It sounds terrible the opinion thinks. The bells was wrongly casted.  And honestly the melody is no hit. If there is one?

Listen to the Bells


Every winter on Stortorget there's a winter market, Hindersmäss. From the beginning the market was for selling the skins of the local hunters. The temperature is often rather low so the skins could be useful, now to. The Market is as every market these days, with candy, sausages, t-shirts and miracle-rags.



This is Kronblom Örebro's soccer mascot. He's standing outside Eyravallen, the Wembley of Örebro.
Something is wrong with this picture! Kronblom is most famous to be one of the laciest persons on earth. He should be laying down on his coach and look at football on TV.

Kronbloms kitchen can be seen in Wadköping.

Wadköping's homepage


This picture is the only that's left of the old gate. The Gate is torn down and Kronblom will are also been moved. The new arena is called Behrn Arena.

Örebro SK


Northern  Europe's biggest adventure-bath is Gustavsvik of course sited in Örebro.
Here you also can be camping on a ***** camping and play adventure-golf.



If you should hurt yourself in the crowd at Hindersmäss or someone kicks you on the knee at Eyravallen or  perhaps if you stayed to long under water in Gustavsvik, is it close to one of Sweden's bigger hospital RSÖ, Region Hospital in Örebro.... The hospital have changed name to University hospital Örebro. USÖ

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