The Chimney....

That we had been a bit outside the system , when we bought Wasshult,
stood clear when we didn't get any phone call from the chimneysweeper.
So when we called him we already had fire prohibition.
Nobody called us for inspection and we just sat there and waited.


So when the chimneysweeper at last visited us, it came out smoke both here and there. You have to build a new chimney, he said, and so we did. Here the old one is gone. It's really looks odd without a chimney, don't you think.





A lot of stuff fell down the Chimney, we used the vacuum cleaner. I promise you that Jocke doesn't clean up at the roof so often.

Soon we can get warm from a fire, again.
Roffe, the chimney bricklayer is nearly finished.





Beautiful chimney, it's a shame to put a
TV-antenna on it. I can tell you it was
much more beautiful without.

When we were at it , we also put a fireplace in. And then the floor couldn't look like this. We had to take the old linoleum carpet and put in a new floor. So after Christmas we have to hang some wallpapers, too!


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